Monday, 25 April 2011

Effectiveness of Physical and Mental Smoking Cessation Products

Quit smoking is not easy as both mental and physical parts of a person get addicted of smoking that stimulate urge for smoking again and again. When a person thinks to give up smoking, he may fid it difficult to skip cigarettes after a time because cravings become unbearable and smoker smokes again to relax. Quit smoking process can be made successful by using different products available in market that are produced to help physical and mental smoking cessation. Are these physical and mental smoking cessation products really effective? Every smoking cessation product have its own pros and cons. Today we will discuss most commonly used physical and mental smoking cessation products:
Electronic Cigarettes
Electronic cigarette is one of the newest solutions that are becoming more and more popular because of their increasing success rate. This smoking cessation product is appreciated by smokers as it directly tackles physical habit of smoking. It looks like a real tobacco cigarette but in fact it is not dangerous like real cigarette as it doesn’t contain carbon monoxide, tar or other harmful chemicals. This smoking cessation product helps the smoker to control of his smoking habit so that he can wean himself off of the addictive nicotine that his body has gotten used to.
It is another very effective solution which tackles psychological barriers in smoking cessation process. Lots of ex-smokers have commented very positively for effectiveness of hypnotherapy because they found that they overcome their mental irritability of stop smoking by going through hypnotherapy.
Nicotine Patches and Gums
Nicotine patched and gums are considered as best solutions to help smokers in quitting smoking. These products are used in Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) that the body will be able to avoid painful side effects of nicotine by cutting down the amount of addictive chemicals of nicotine present in blood of smoker. These smoking cessation products can be obtained from pharmacies and are needed to be used for a course of almost three months to get desired results.
It is a therapy which works by focusing on the principle that the body needs steady flow of energy and will become ill if blocked. The needles used in acupuncture therapy are then used to relieve these blockages of energy. Different reports show that people who have given up smoking claim that this treatment helped them to tackle the side effects of quitting smoking like dizziness, irritability and shakiness. 

Friday, 22 April 2011

Mental and Physical Parts in Smoking Cessation

Smoking is such an addiction that not only traps mind of a person addicted to smoking but also makes his other body parts habitual of nicotine addiction that is why it becomes too difficult for a person to give up this habit because when he gets mentally prepared for quitting, his physical addiction hinders his success and vice versa. To train both mental and physical parts of a person for quitting, special smoking cessation process is being followed. Today we will have some discussion about mental and physical parts in smoking cessation.
Tobacco in a cigarette is a most addictive substance that traps smokers physically and mentally. Both hands and mouth of a smoker are directly involved in smoking. Smoker uses his hand especially two fingers in smoking and continuous use of physical parts makes it a permanent habit that is why when a smoker sits idle, his hands and mind are tempted to smoke again and again.
Several physical parts of a smoker are directly affected by smoke and toxic chemicals in tobacco. In danger parts of smoker include lungs, oral, esophageal, renal and bladder and brain. Tobacco addiction causes serious health risks to these parts of smokers like cancer of lungs, lungs, oral, esophageal, renal and bladder. Nicotine in tobacco takes fewer seconds to reach brain and releases dopamine that causes feelings of pleasure. Just because of this dopamine, smokers claim that they feel them better concentrated towards their work after smoking. Similarly nicotine released from cigarettes causes a person to feel relaxed with every cigarette and a person goes on smoking and smoking.
So, you saw that a tiny cigarette contains thousands of chemicals that trap mind of a person and then cause severe health risks to smoker. If you really want to give up this unhealthy habit, you need to plan for eradicating both mental and physical addictions by planning a routine to make your physical parts habitual of other things and use a substitute of cigarette to given up its addiction. 

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

How Smoking Cessation Aids Work?

Different smoking cessation aids are being used to help smokers in giving up this habit. These smoking cessation aids include medications, therapies, cessation plans, society, cessation resource centers etc. All these aids work to lessen cravings and motivate a smoker to live smoke free. How smoking cessation aids work is a commonly asked question. With continuous consumption of cigarettes, smokers develop special affection with this habit putting that fact at a side how adversely smoking affects their health. All smoking cessation aids work to lessen this affection for smoking. Different smoking cessation aids are provided to smokers according to his health conditions. It will go too long to discuss working of all smoking cessation aids so here I will discuss how smoking cessation medications work.
Smoking Cessation Medications
Smoking cessation medication includes different stop smoking pills like Zyban and Chintax, herbal drugs, nicotine patches, and nicotine gums etc. These medications were produced to relieve stop smoking symptoms and reduce addiction for nicotine released from cigarettes. These medicines provide smoker’s body with nicotine to reduce urge for smoke. A person who takes smoking cessation pills can easily bear smoking cessation symptoms such as anxiety, headache, dizziness, dry mouth etc.
Every smoking cessation aid shows desired results after taking some time and time frame required by each smoking cessation aid varies from person to person for instance a person who is chain smoker will be able to give up this habit in double time as compared to time taken by a routine smoker.
Don’t worry for the extension in time taken by a smoking cessation aid and have trust it will work. I have seen many people who have successfully given up this habit simply by taking Zyban so be strong in your determination to stop smoking, success will be yours.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Smoking Cessation Aids

Let’s have useful information about smoking cessation aids. You must have seen either you are a smoker or not that every packet of cigarettes comes with a note that smoking is not good for health but still people smoke. Even cigarette companies also declare that smoking is hazardous for health but I am worried why these companies don’t stop producing cigarettes. Don’t worry if cigarette companies don’t care for health of smokers, there are several health care institutions that are working to uproot smoking habit from society. They provide special smoking cessation aids to help people in giving up this unhealthy habit. You can say smoking cessation medicines, smoking cessation therapies and society are some of the most effective aids to help smokers in quitting. Here I will discuss role of smoking cessation aids that are very effective to make smoking cessation process successful.
First and main smoking cessation aid comes from health care professionals. Different health care professionals in smoking cessation resource centers work by following three rules of aids that are prevention, cessation and protection. They prevent people from starting smoking, help people in quitting and protect them from smoking again using different therapies and medicines.
Other smoking cessation aids include:
  • Smoking therapies like nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), varenicline, hypnosis etc
  • Smoking cessation medicines like smoking cessation pills, herbal drugs, nicotine gums etc.
  • Smoking cessation plans that are designed depending on the health conditions of addicted person and intensity of his smoking habit.
  • Social circle of smoker also plays vital role in helping him to quit this habit.
You can get more information about smoking cessation aids from the link shared below:
Smoking cessation aids

Friday, 15 April 2011

Types of Smoking Cessation Pills

All habitual smokers are advised to quit this dreadful habit because smoking can lead to many health dangers. There are several quit smoking methods that are used on the basis of different principles. Most commonly used stop smoking methods include; smoking cessation resource centers, quit smoking aids, medications and smoking cessation pills. This posting is about smoking cessation pills. There are several types of smoking cessation pills that are suggested by physicians according to health conditions of smoker. Here I provide you information about most commonly used smoking cessation pills with pros and cons of smoking pills.
This smoking cessation pill has been approved by FDA and is supposed to show lesser side effect. One special point about Chantix that I analyzed from my search is that it doesn’t use nicotine to help the smoker in quitting smoking. Different studies have stated that maximum people have successfully given up smoking using Chantix. This medicine has active ingredient varenicline tartrate” which help the smoker in overcoming withdrawal symptoms. I personally rate Chantix most effective than other stop smoking medicines.
There are different side effects of Chantix but these side effects are far less than its benefits. Most commonly experienced side effects of Chantix include headache, dizziness, dry mouth etc.
This smoking cessation pill is also approved by FDA to help smokers in quitting smoking. Several health professionals suggest this medicine for people to treat cravings. Its effectiveness is more as compared to other smoking cessation medications like gums and nicotine patches. This medicine works on brain receptors and reduce desire to smoke again.
Like other medicines Zyban also has some side effects that can include dry mouth, vomiting, restlessness, headache etc.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Smoking Cessation Pills

Smoking cessation is a complete process undertaken to uproot smoking desire in an addicted person. If a person tries to stop smoking without taking assistance from any healthcare professional or without following a proper smoking cessation plan, he will obviously find it difficult to get rid of this unhealthy habit. To go through smoking cessation plan different techniques are being used for instance smoking cessation laser therapy, smoking cessation hypnosis, smoking cessation acupuncture and smoking cessation pills. Each smoking cessation method works on different principle but with same motive to help a person in quitting smoking. Laser therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture are the methods that are used by specialists on addicts but smoking cessation pills are only suggested by doctors according to health conditions of a person then he himself keeps continuous use of smoking cessation pills without making frequent visits to doctors.

Why smoking cessation pills are used? These pills are used to relax smoking withdrawal symptoms. A person who skips cigarette from one to second time, it becomes difficult for him to stay away from smoking because of feelings of restlessness, depression, anxiety, nausea, dry throat, dizziness, fatigue, frustration, reduced concentration, weight gain, tightness in chest and cravings for more tobacco. Some people become impatient and again start smoking. To relieve these withdrawal symptoms, smoking cessation pills are being used. There are different pills that are used for this purpose.
Smoking cessation pills work on basis of special procedure to root out addiction for nicotine in cigarettes from mind and body of addicted person. These smoking cessation pills boost up energy level of two brain chemicals that are “Dopamine and Norepinephrine”. These pills perform same reaction as nicotine does to relax one’s mind. Basically these two chemicals work to boost energy in body and when a person develops habit of nicotine addiction, these chemicals in his mind become habitual of taking nicotine to refresh and become slow and cause the addicted person feel dizzy and other withdrawal symptoms if he skips smoking. When he takes smoking cessation pills, these chemicals gain their energy thus help a person feel fresh without cigarette.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Smoking Cessation Resource Center

Where to go for proper help for smoking cessation will be our topic of discussion today. If you don’t have any idea about how to help your friend who has developed smoking habit in quitting it then I will suggest you to recommend him to go to some smoking cessation resource center. Smoking cessation resource centers are special places where healthcare professional solely provide their services to addicts in stop smoking using different smoking cessation methods. So many smoking cessation resource centers are working all over the world with same motive to help people in living smoke free lives. Most common smoking cessation methods that are used by smoking cessation resource centers include suggesting smoking cessation pills, special smoking cessation therapies, nicotine patches, and gums and compose personal smoking cessation programs for individuals according to their health and intensity of smoking habit.

A person who finds it difficult to give up smoking by his own efforts can get better results by following proper smoking cessation plan suggested by healthcare professional. You can prompt a person to visit smoking cessation resource center by explaining benefits of going to smoking cessation resource centers. If you are interested to know what is a resource center and reasons to join smoking cessation resource center then visit the link shared below:

Smoking cessation resource center
Now come to another question that comes to mind while talking about smoking cessation resource centers that which one is best. I have spent a lot of time in searching names of top ten smoking cessation resource centers to share with you. Efficiency of every smoking cessation resource center is judged by the effectiveness of smoking cessation methods used by a smoking cessation resource center. Different smoking cessation methods may consumed varied amount of time to show desired results. Well all smoking cessation resource centers I have studied about follow time based programs like eight days residential program, fifteen days quit smoking program, one month smoking cessation program etc. Average time period taken by these programs ranges from one week to three months. Well time taken by a smoker to quit also depends upon his willpower and other health conditions that will help him in quitting and recovering.
American Cancer Society, Baltimore Washington Medical Center, Tobacco Cessation Resource Center are the names of smoking cessation resource centers that are well-known for their services. 

Friday, 8 April 2011

Personal Smoking Cessation Plan

Smoking is one of the most common preventable causes of death. Every research program aimed to determine death rates in people habitual of smoking drew same results that more than half of people who smoke die because of diseases caused by smoking. Quitting smoking can cut down number of deaths because of diseases caused by smoking. People who develop smoking habit find it very hard to give it up that is why lots of studies have been made on stop smoking and a special name is given to process of quitting smoking known as smoking cessation. I have dedicated significant part of my spare time to research symptoms of smoking, smoking cessation and cravings etc. How this habit can be given up with lesser cravings, I introduced a special term “willpower” that is key factor for success of smoking cessation process. Today we will discuss one step ahead from willpower that is how to use will power in smoking cessation plan. Willpower is the only factor that can keep you on the track no matter what smoking cessation program you are using. Well… effectiveness of smoking cessation plan can be boosted up if personal smoking cessation plan is being followed.
Different smoking cessation resource centers are there in which healthcare professional work solely for betterment of smoker’s lives and produce personalized smoking cessation plans for them. It is a dilemma that everybody can’t afford charges of smoking cessation resource centers then why don’t you help such people around you??? Today’s discussion will help you in creating a personal smoking cessation plan for a person according to his health condition and intensity of smoking habit. Have a look of basic points to be considered while developing a smoking cessation plan:
First of all you will make a smoker feel that quitting is essential for him to live healthier. Try to inject good reasons for quitting in mind of smoker and motivate him to give up this unhealthy habit so, make a separate section with heading of why stop smoking and provide a list of benefits of quitting. Then make another section containing useful tips to quit smoking. Ask the smoker about people who can help him in following this smoking cessation plan and write down names of people. Provide outlines of new behaviors to adopt. Suggest medicine and instruct him to use this medication properly. Make the smoker aware of difficult situations he will face in stop smoking to strengthen his willpower. Last section of personal smoking cessation plan will be all about starting date and some commitments to face cravings with patience.   
Providing this plan in writing will enhance its effectiveness. 

Monday, 4 April 2011

What is Willpower?

Hi to all… I am again here to discuss same stop smoking issue. You got information about bad effects of smoking and need to quit this habit in my previous writing but I decided to change our topic of discussion from today. Today I will discuss how smoking habit can be stopped. I will provide you information about different factors that are necessary to give up this habit so read about willpower and its role in giving up smoking habit. I will cover this topic in different sections like what is willpower, how it works in process of stop smoking:
What is Willpower?
Willpower is one’s ability to beat his indolence and procrastination or you can consider willpower as strength to act or refrain for acting a specific activity. I would like to define willpower with smoking perspective as an ability to control or reject needless or harmful impulses. If I use more clear words to define willpower then it is strength to make a decision then keep following the decision with strong determination to draw desired outcomes.
Role of Willpower
I will discuss role of willpower with reference to the stop smoking process. Willpower is your inner strength that will enable you to overcome your unproductive activities such as laziness, temptation, unhealthy habits like addiction and develop healthy habits. Willingness to give up smoking is key element necessary for success of stop smoking process. Here willpower means your willingness to stop smoking.
How this strength can refrain you from smoking anymore?
Willpower is one of the most effective factors that can help you in quitting smoking and lessen need of going through expensive smoking cessation therapies. Willpower of a person will also reduce need of using expensive nicotine patches, gums, pills etc. I personally have seen many people who made their minds to stop smoking and eventually they stopped within few weeks without consuming any medication.
Time required to give up smoking if no medication is used may vary according to your willpower. Person with strong determination can quit smoking in just 15 days but some of you may take more time to give up completely. Have strong faith and get desired results free of cost that in case of poor willpower can go too expensive.

Friday, 1 April 2011

What do mean by smoking cessation stories?

I have always come to listen that smoking is not good for health. Smoking is dangerous for one’s life who smokes and even people who don’t smoke but live around smokers. I am sure you will have also listened the same. When I studied different research results that lots of deaths occur every year due to dangers caused by second hand smoke right from that moment I made my mind to work for benefit of people who smoke and who don’t smoke. I do research on web in my spare time to know more about smoking habit and quitting this habit and meet people who smoke, who have stopped this habit and who want to stop this habit then I analyze their experiences to share my knowledge with you friends.
I have seen lots of websites that have very useful information in this regard. Therapies and medications is not the only way to motivate and help addicted people in quitting smoking but words of ex-smokers can also convince smokers that smoking is adverse not only for their health but for their friends and family members. I don’t talk about my last experiences but want to share my search of last night when I encountered with a very impressive website. Someone has worked great on smoking habit covering its different aspects. The section I liked the most which I think can inspire even a chain smoker to avail benefits of living smoke free is of smoking cessation stories posted by people who were addicted to smoking but now have given up this habit. They shared their routine and experiences when they smoked and the blessed life after giving up smoking. How they gone through smoking cessation process and what results they got is shared in this section of that website. I believe that many people have this in their nature that they don’t change their minds until they make it sure that someone has experienced a thing and got best results. This post will be of greater help for such matured people.
I thought why don’t to be shared this link with you so that you may don’t need to do so much research and get this quality information for you and your friends. I found this information so beneficial that I think people who are not smokers should also read these stories to tell others and prevent smoking. So I dedicated this post to bring this site in eyes of my friends who come to my blog in routine.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

What is Smoking Symptoms? What are its Main Types?

People who smoke exhibit different symptoms of smoking and nicotine addiction. Some of these symptoms include squat oxygen level in blood, smoke stinker mouth and clothes, nicotine tainted teeth and fingers, low stamina for exercise, cough, frosty hands and feet, hypertension, exhaustion, increased heart rate, succinctness of breath, loss of taste and smell, reduced thinking abilities etc. When a person addicted to smoking attempts smoking cessation they have to face feelings of restlessness that are known as cravings. These symptoms are smoking withdrawal symptoms. Most commonly known smoking cessation symptoms include mood swings, dizziness, constipation, sleep disturbances, insomnia, sore throat, dry mouth, tightness in chest, headache, fatigue, irritability, sweating, anxiety, hunger, tremors, reduced concentration and tobacco cravings. Smoking withdrawal symptoms can be very intense and make it difficult or impossible for smoker in quitting.
I decided to discuss two topics about smoking symptoms and types of smoking symptoms. In the first paragraph I provided names of most common smoking symptoms and now I would like to explain some measures to overcome these symptoms. People who attempt to quit smoking can overcome cravings by following combination of five D’s. These D’s are discussed below:

  1.  D: Delay consumption of tobacco again until urge passes. It becomes over usually within3-5 minutes.
  2. D: Distract yourself and be busy in some exercise or other activities. You can call your friend or go for a walk to overcome cravings.
  3. D: Drink water to get rid of dry mouth and fight off other cravings.
  4. D: Deep breaths will be best way to relax. Close your eyes and take slower deep breaths.
  5. D: Discuss your feeling with a person who will support you and help you in fighting these cravings.
These were simple and basic ways to overcome smoking withdrawal symptoms individually but there are many other ways to control urge to smoke again which can include proper exercise suggested by smoking cessation resource center, take some rest to relax, take some multivitamins, reward the person trying to quit smoking etc. You can control all smoking symptoms with success if stay motivated and have strong willpower therefore focus on making strong determination to quit before you think to go through any medical program. Wish you and your friends live a smoke free life.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Stop Smoking Now

Smoking is not only adverse for health of person addicted to smoking but it also destroys health of people who are exposed to second hand smoke. An interesting fact I have seen in people addicted to smoking is that they feel smoking helps them in relaxing them from stress, anxiety, restlessness, loneliness and boredom and they feel their life as boredom and aggravation without cigarette. Some people also think that they will gain weight after they stop smoking. Some people smoke to celebrate special occasions.
People who smoke may feel comfort while smoking but in fact they expose their health to open threats for their health and life. I have never seen a person who smokes and lives healthier but lost of research programs show that more than 33,000,000 people addicted to smoking have given up their habit of smoking and are leading healthy lives. Well I would like to say that a non-smoker can never imagine benefits of quitting smoking but ex-smokers have lots of stories regarding benefits of quitting smoking. Although ex-smokers have gone through painful withdrawal of smoking but now they live healthier lives. Quitting smoking is not so easy but I want to share some tips to give up this habit. You will find these tips helpful enough in stop smoking now or helping your smoker friend to quit this habit:

  • First of all make your mind ready to quit smoking and set a quitting date. Highlight the date on your calendar and stick to it. Remember you will become an ex-smoker on this day.
  • Quitting this habit is not so easy so ask your friends and family members for your moral support. Ask them to keep an eye on you and stop you from sneaking out to buy cigarettes.
  • Smokers want to have cigarette in their free time so you are advised to plan to keep you busy all time. Look for some exercise to keep your mind and head busy.
  • Remove cigarettes from your pocket, home, office and car.
  • Make your mind that you are saving money by quitting this habit that will be used in beneficial activities. Collect money for purchasing what you have always wanted to.
  • Change your way because the shop from where you buy cigarette will create an urge in you to buy again and it will become difficult for you to overcome cravings.
Remember that no other person will quit for you and bear cravings. It is only you who can do something for you and your family but support of people around you can help you to stick to your quitting decision. Keep your desire and determination to become ex-smoker and move towards success with confidence. If you are trying to help your smoker friend, then follow these stop smoking tips to help your friend.

Friday, 25 March 2011

What is smoking hypnosis? And how it works?

You may have been hit by thousands and thousands anti-smoking stimuli in your life. All these stimuli start from making mind of a smoker clear about bad effects of smoking but rare of these stimuli succeed in their motive but most of these stimuli have same result that all smokers continue their smoking habit with a thinking that they will quit smoking tomorrow or next tomorrow and the time goes on but instead of leaving this habit they become more habitual of smoking. You may have seem many smokers following stop smoking tips but they don’t get any positive results. Quitting smoking is really tough job. Health professionals have introduced smoking hypnosis theory into the market. Today we will discuss how much this treatment is effective but before this discussion let me introduce smoking hypnosis in brief.
Hypnosis is concentrated relaxation. In other words you can say, hypnotism makes a person feel some relaxed and keep focusing on an issue or desired results. Hypnosis doesn’t mean falling asleep or stay just relaxed. While hypnotism is practiced, hypnotized person relaxes his mind and body and he stays well aware of what happens in his surroundings. He is suggested to quit smoking in this state of relaxation.
Here it comes more important to know the relationship between hypnotism and quit smoking. Basically smoking cessation works on two principles; alter the thinking of person who feels pleasure in smoking, alter conditioned response of smoker that he has developed with a particular habit and smoking. How a person started smoking is somewhat helpful in uprooting this habit from a person. I think when all other quit smoking methods fail to bring changes in smoker’s behavior, smoking hypnosis will be a best choice in this regard.
How Does Smoking Hypnosis Work?
You will feel your mind more clear about concept of smoking hypnosis after reading this portion of my posting. Here I will describe working of smoking hypnosis in simple words:
A health professional (hypnotherapist) keeps his focus on psychological aspects other than treating physical problems caused by smoking. Subconscious mind of a person that stores all memories takes over when hypnotized and suggestions are made to this part of mind. This state is achieved through different techniques like breathing. Hypnotherapist gives the person positive suggestions about why smoking is adverse for his health and focuses on benefits that he can achieve only if he quits smoking. Healthcare professional will try to bring the smoker into state where he will discard cigarettes and make him feel that this all is not affecting him and he is not feeling any withdrawal symptoms. Successful hypnotism will urge an smoker to say no to cigarette and save his life. Similarly other suggestions will be given to smoker in same state. Hypnotism will directly make a mark on subconscious mind therefore chances of successful quit smoking are more with this therapy.
One can go to professional hypnotherapist for taking his assistance in quitting smoking but he can also take help from a friend in this regard. Self-hypnotism will also work same for betterment of person habitual of smoking.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Smoking and Stop Smoking Facts

Smoking is filthy habit that affects health of a person addicted to smoking and imposes lots of other risks on social life of a smoker. If we look back into our past, we will see fewer people were addicted to smoking but it is a dreadful fact that number of people who smoke is increasing day by day. Different research programs have shown that lots of children start smoking every day. Let’s leave “why people smoke” to be discussed on some other day and focus on some facts of habit of smoking and stop smoking. A very painful reality of our society is that around 3000 children smoke their first cigarette every passing day. Few years before, number of people who used to smoke was very low as compared to today. Today I will share interesting smoking facts and some information about quitting smoking:

Social Facts of Smoking
Social life of a person who smokes is badly affected. First of all his confidence starts to lose when he becomes addicted to smoking. His position in society is also affected by this habit. He is prohibited from so many places like gyms, hotels, museums, hospitals etc just because smoking is not allowed on these places. It is the social gathering where a smoker is prohibited on the other hand again it is social gathering that promotes urge for tobacco smoking. There is need to make people known of bad effects of smoking and this teaching should be more common in schools and colleges.  It has been calculated that 2% of high school students are routine smokers and this rate is increasing rapidly. Some research programs show that 3900 students between the ages of 12 to 17 years try their first cigarette each day and 25% of these students become habitual of smoking.

Medical Facts of Smoking
Smoking affects health of smokers and people who are exposed to second hand smoke adversely. Inhalation of cigarette smoke can cause lungs cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, strokes and heart diseases. Complexity of these diseases becomes more and more with continuous consumption of tobacco smoke and become major cause of deaths with heart attacks, high blood pressure and cancer. Cigarette smoke not only destroys health of person who have cigarette in his hands but many deaths are recorded due to illnesses caused by secondhand smoke. Round about 3400 deaths recorded by lungs cancer are caused by secondhand smoke. There is immense need to control this habit of smoking and encourage people for quitting smoking to reduce this increasing number of deaths by smoking.

Facts of Quitting Smoking
Once a person quits smoking habit will give up risks of heart attack within ten years after quitting. People who quit this habit will have only one-half of the risk of dying in next 15 years as compared to routine smokers. Quitting this habit will reduce risk of cancer substantially as compared to continuous smoking. People who don’t smoke should work to promote knowledge of smoking cessation programs and encourage smokers for quitting smoking.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Quitting smoking can be difficult but not impossible so stay motivated if you are addicted to smoking or help your friend in sticking to his quitting decision. There are different techniques used by health professionals to help people in quitting smoking. I will share some information about stop smoking hypnosis today. Well effectiveness of stop smoking hypnosis is not universal but it is reported to have very high success rate.

Basically there are two types of stop smoking hypnosis used by health professionals including self-directed hypnosis or hypnosis CDs, tapes or other aids and the other is attending trained hypnotists or hypnotherapists. Both of these types of stop smoking hypnosis can be beneficial to give up cravings. Success of hypnosis will also depend on your motivation and discipline. Follow the instructions of your hypnotist on regular basis.

Now read some "facts" about smoking hypnosis……..
Most popular beliefs about smoking hypnosis show that hypnosis means staying in a zombie like state in which the subjects lose their control over them and become slave of hypnotist. You can have idea about this situation by recalling Hollywood movies but it’s not fully realistic. True fact about state of hypnosis is that you can’t do anything against your will. You will just achieve a state of relaxation when your mind will become open to receive instructions directly into the plane of subconscious but your mind will not accept these suggestions if these are contrary to your personal beliefs.

I am sure you would be thinking about relation between smoking and hypnosis that I talked to share. Read rest of the post about link between smoking and hypnosis.
It is always hard to quit any habit either smoking or some else. Usually people addicted to smoking smoke while driving car or during tea time, after a meal or in case of stressful situations. Smoking has become a common trend now-a-days which is adopted by people as an essential element of daily routine. When a person develops strong smoking habit, it becomes difficult for him to keep him away from smoking. If a routine smoker tries to quit smoking, he may have to face both psychological and physical discomfort that is termed as cravings.

Hypnotherapy has proved to have potential to resolve many life problems and offers an improved lifestyle. Different research programs have shown that a combination of both pharmacological and hypnosis treatment helps people in quitting habit of smoking and overcoming cravings.  Basically mind of a smoker associates smoking with pleasure or state of relaxation. Pharmacological treatment works at the outer level of conscious mind of smoker which usually doesn’t like to change but subconscious mind of a person is always ready to accept suggestions but it is hard to access it in normal consciousness. Hypnosis helps the person addicted to smoking in altering the condition of subconscious mind and reprograms it to quit smoking or change any habit. However need of willpower and motivation is still needed to succeed in quitting smoking. While receiving positive suggestions in state of hypnosis, you will be able to get desired results.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Ways to Stop Smoking

Smoking tobacco is both psychological habit and physical addiction. Everyone knows risks to health caused by smoking then why smokers don’t give up smoking? The answer that comes to my mind is less or no awareness of effectiveness of stop smoking programs. Although it may be difficult for a smoker to kick his habit of smoking but the main reason why a smokers don’t use different smoking cessation programs because many smoking cessation programs like smoking cessation pills or other smoking cessation therapies may be out of budgetary limits of a smoker. Here I would like to share some information about different ways to stop smoking that will not be so expensive as well as easy to be adopted.
Personal Stop Smoking Plan
To optimize chances of your success, you need to be motivated, have social support and better understanding of what to expect and develop a personal stop smoking plan. Developing a personal stop smoking plan to your specific needs and desires will be a great source of help for you. Make a list of reasons why you need or want to quit smoking. Main reasons of quitting smoking will include:
  •  To become healthier and have more energy, fresher breath and whiter teeth
  • Lower the risks of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, early death, skin wrinkling etc
  • Save money
  • Get respect and lost position in society
  • Live stink free

You can motivate yourself to quit smoking by starting with:
  • S: Set a date to start acting on your quitting plan
  • T: Tell friends and family members about your plan to quit smoking
  • A: Anticipate and plan for challenges that will come to you in quitting
  • R: Remove cigarettes and other related products from your home, office, car and pocket
  • T: Talk to your doctor and get his assistance in quitting smoking

Manage Cravings
You will feel dizzy or restless when you will not smoke or event have headache. Try to make you busy in different activities for few days and wait these cravings will not last after few days when your body will adjust. Try to stay active, keep your hands busy, keep your mind busy, try to get an oral substitute and drink plenty of water to deal with cravings and other symptoms of quitting smoking.
Get Support and Resources to Quit Smoking
There are different smoking cessation programs that have successfully helped people in giving up smoking habit. Most common methods of quitting smoking include:
  • Quitting smoking cold turkey
  • Systematically decreasing the number of cigarettes smoked in a day
  • Reducing intake of nicotine gradually over time
  • Nicotine replacement therapy or other non-nicotine medications to reduce cravings
  • Taking assistance form nicotine support groups
  • Trying hypnosis, acupuncture or counseling using cognitive behavioral techniques

Take Help from Family Members in Quitting Smoking
It is first and foremost necessity of acting on personal stop smoking plan to tell family members that you have decided to stop smoking. Get their support in your effort to give up smoking.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Smoking Cessation Programs

My today’s discussion will explore information about different smoking cessation programs that can obviously help a smoker in quitting smoking. One thing I would like to focus is that all these programs will work if you really want to quit smoking. Read information about best stop smoking programs:

Cold Turkey
Giving up Cold Turkey or discontinuing entirely is a commonly used smoking cessation program. Using this program, you will be required to make several attempts but you can use this program effectively by main attentive preparation.

Smoking Cessation Medicines
There are different stop smoking medicines that have shown successful results. Most commonly known medicines are chantix/champix and ZYBAN. Have some information about these medicines:

·         Chantix/Champix: This medicine is available in form of pills used to treat practice of smoking. This medicine decreases pleasing effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products which is best to assist a smoker in quitting smoking.

·         ZYBAN: Bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets or bupropion hcl sr is a medication that is also available in pills form. Different reports show that smokers who use this tablet quit smoking within one month. This medicine reduces withdrawal symptoms and smokers urge to smoke anymore. This pill must be taken if prescribed by a doctor.

Cutting Down Gradually
Many smokers have left smoking with this smoking cessation program. Using this program a smoker will make his mind to cut down number of cigarettes consumed per day and will continue to cut down this number until this number goes to zero which will result in no smoking at the end. If you also want to use this inexpensive smoking cessation program then your final quit date is not so far from you. You can use this plan in combination to Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

Hypnosis is mainly a condition of rest when both body and mind are stress-free. Both conscious and unconscious parts of mind start working according to same concept at same time and your mind will become open to cleverly worded influences. You can go to healthcare professional or self-induce to achieve a hypnotic state.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is a type of well-known smoking cessation program that uses special products to give tiny doses of nicotine to help stop thirst of smoking and relieve a smoker from conditions that occur when smoker tries to quit smoking. Most commonly used products include nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine lozenges and nicotine patches etc.

Alternative Therapies
Some other therapies are also available that can be used as smoking cessation programs. Most commonly used therapies include acupuncture, laser therapy or quit smoking injections.
You can select any of the smoking cessation programs discussed above that you feel would be comfortable for you.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Social Life of a Smoker

Move around you either in your living space or work space you will see lots of smokers around you. What comes in your mind while thinking of a smoker next to you? I am sure you would have same feelings like me…. What comes in your mind to see a smoker will narrate position of a smoker in society. Obviously a smoker will not be given due respect in society especially if he doesn’t have a status. A smoker can’t enjoy his life in circle of non-smokers. He will find him as normal either sitting alone or in group of smokers. Here I just want to make it clear that smoking is not only injurious to health of smoker but it is also a risk for social life of a smoker. Life of smoker in a society can be quite clear from a note written at the entrances of public venues like coffee shop, bank, restaurant or any other office “Smoking is not allowed”. What does this statement show? It shows smoking affects life of smoker in society.

Jack was fast friend of mine whom story I am telling you. I went out city for some internship course work and could not meet my friend for few months and I remained busy for these months. Jack got new friends in my absence. New friends’ circle of jack was a group of smokers. With few weeks of such fiends’ company laid very bad impact on Jack. He also started smoking and developed a habit of routine smoking. When I came back after completing my coursework I was disappointed to see my friend as a smoker because I know what position a smoker attains in society. I started washing Jack’s brain and helped him in quitting smoking. How Jack spent his time as a smoker is very miserable. I would like to share some bad effects of smoking on a smoker’s life shared by my friend Jack with me:
Out in the Cold
Smokers are not accepted in social venues even in winter season for instance restaurants, clubs, bars, art galleries, cafes, pubs, museums, theaters, concert halls etc ask smokers to stand out until they have cigarette in their hands. Being a smoker you will miss charm of going to those places where you loved to go in routine. Jack also missed to go to gym for the months he smoked.
Meeting People
Whatever a business meeting or a social gathering, a smoker is always left out of the hub of action. It would be luck for smoker that he gets client who is also a smoker but it’s a matter of fortune for a smoker. Jack has lots of stories when he had to face shame for smoke stink rising out of his mouth, clothes and body but now he feels proud while sitting in group of non-smokers.
Smoker will restrict himself from taking some types of holidays where he can’t smoke like long haul flights would be quite difficult for a smoker, a plan to spend whole day in museum because a smoker will not be allowed to smoke inside. It shows that a smoker really misses lots of adventurous holidays of his life thus he is pushed away and away from his social life.

Not only are these the bad effects of smoking on social life of a smoker. What a smoker gets from society is not only point of discussion while talking about smoking but most important is what smoker gives to his society. Relation of a smoker to his close relations changes totally. He steadily becomes totally careless for his position and relations with his friends and family members. A smoker will not feel that he is ignored in fact he will try to get comfort in smoking for what he has lost. Thinking abilities of a smoker also start rusting with time. His appearance also changes with passage of time.
It is getting hard for me to discuss all bad effects of smoking on social life of a smoker.  I would like to close this discussion with a wish that every smoker like Jack may have a friend like me who would help him in quitting smoking. I appeal to all non-smokers not to hate smokers but also make the smokers hate smoking. I will keep on trying to make awareness of harms of smoking in all people both by my online discussions as well as talking to smokers personally. Are you with me??????

Thursday, 10 March 2011

How Smoking Habits are Dangerous for Your Health?

Why do people develop habit of smoking? Does anybody tell them benefits of smoking? I don’t think so….. It is just because of ignorance of mind, influences from other smokers, bad company and carelessness of a person that he develops habit of smoking. Every person tells stories of health damages caused by smoking but there would be not a single person who will tell that I was ill and I became healthy with smoking but still number of smokers is increasing round the globe. I am very much depressed to see young generation addicted to smoking. I dedicate my today’s writing for awareness of all innocent smokers who don’t know how badly smoking affects their health. Not respiratory system is only a system of your body that gets destroyed by smoking but every organ of your body is exposed to continuous dangers because of smoking. Here I would like to throw light on few of bad effects of smoking habits on your health. I pray that this post comes in eyes of every smoker and develop an urge of quitting smoking. This is my little effort to save smoker’s lives.
 Oral Cancer
Different health care organizations have revealed that variety of cancers including cancer of oral cavity, esophagus, larynx and lungs are caused by smoke of cigarettes.  Different reports show that 90% of patients suffering from oral cancer are smokers. Laryngeal cancer is caused about 20 to 30 percent more in smokers than in non-smokers. Smoking causes inflammation around teeth which is termed as periodontists. This disease attacks very slowly with continuous consumption of cigarettes that is solid tool of smokers to invite other innocent individuals by showing their clean teeth to them and telling that we are smoking for several months and enjoying our lives but in fact they are also in darkness about their future health conditions.
Bad Effects on Heart and Blood Pressure
Sharp increases in heartbeat and blood pressure is a very common effect of smoking that is seen in all smokers. Every smoker always loses his temperament in case of emotional situations but some people control them but many of them fail to do so. Other than this anger that is considered very little issue, smoking affects heart of a smoker very badly. Nicotine released from cigarette’s smoke causes the blood vessels to get narrowed which results in high blood pressure. High blood pressure itself is a major cause of heart and brain problems. Long term effects of smoking are more worse than increase in blood pressure that include increases in levels of fibrin and cholesterol in blood that increases risks of heart attacks.  Other heart diseases caused by smoking include Coronary heart disease (CHD), Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), aneurysm, atherosclerosis etc.
Smoking Effects on Lungs
Lungs are the main part of a smoker’s body that is directly exposed to damages caused by smoking. More than 80% of lungs cancer cases are accounted by tobacco smoking. Cilia in smoker’s lungs become unable to remove the tar content of cigarette smoke which leads to lungs and laryngeal cancer. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is caused by smoking. Main symptom of COPD is shortness of breath, persistent cough with sputum and damages to lungs including chronic bronchitis.
Smoking Effects on Liver
There are numerous toxins present in cigarettes that cause chronic inflammation and scarring of liver. This may result in disease such as liver cancer, liver fibrosis and Hepatitis B and C. Dangerous chemicals present in cigarettes is rated as a most common cause of liver tumors. Smoker’s liver loses its ability to detoxify dangerous substances.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Stop Smoking Pills and Effectiveness

Smoking is adverse for smoker’s health and put smoker’s life into permanent danger. A smoker is exposed to several dangers every time. A smoker can save his life from these dangers by trying to lessen and finally quitting habit of smoking. It is a challenge for people who have been addicted to smoking for many years. A person with strong will power can prevent him from smoking habit but smoking is a thing that destroys men’s will power that is why smokers need assistance of different smoking cessation programs to quit smoking permanently. I have seen different people succeeded to quit smoking by using smoking cessation methods. Using stop smoking pills is one of the effective stop smoking methods. Here I would like to discuss how stop smoking spills can help a person quit smoking and how much these pills are effective.
Stop smoking pills are one of the new medications developed for helping people who want tot quit smoking. Everyday new stop smoking spills are emerging to help smokers quit. Are you curious to know about these pills and extent to which these are effective? I yes scroll down to read rest of this post.
Effectiveness of Stop Smoking Pills
There are many stop smoking pills available in market. While selecting one from variety of pills, a question that will instantly come into mind is which stop smoking pills are effective than all. Most commonly used stop smoking pills are Wellbutrin, Zyban and Varencline (Chantix).
Working of Stop Smoking Pills
Nicotine in cigarettes releases endorphins that stimulate the pituitary glands. These releases of cigarettes increase energy level and give the smoker a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Stop smoking pills also release endorphins making the quitting experience the same pleasure without creating any harmful side effects. No side effects, is the actual reason that stop smoking pills are becoming so popular.
Zyban is a pill that has ability to relive nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Most commonly practiced nicotine withdrawal symptoms include headache, body etches etc. Smokers need to take stop smoking pills on daily basis continuously for more than two weeks till they feel change in their urge to smoke. No more than two pills should be consumed each day. I recommend not to use stop smoking spills without consulting a doctor no matter how many success stories have your heard from people about effectiveness of any stop smoking pills. There are some side effects of stop smoking pills like dry mouth and insomnia.
Smokers Refrained from Consuming Stop Smoking Pills
Stop smoking pills are not useful for all people. There are some side effects of stop smoking pills that can be dangerous for people suffering from serious diseases. For instance pregnant or breast feeding women, smokers suffering from bulimia, smokers having epilepsy and smokers with aliments such as digestive and stomach disorders should not use stop smoking pills or they should take doses of these pills according to instructions of their healthcare consultants. Smokers with health problems should not disappoint that they can’t quit smoking but they should think to try some natural methods to stop smoking.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

What is Smoking Cessation?

Smoking cessation is a term that is used to describe a whole process in single word. A process through which a person goes to quit smoking is smoking cessation. Most common forms of processes used for quitting smoking include cold turkey, nicotine replacement therapy, individual and group counseling, nicotine patches and antidepressant or stimulant medication. Smoking cessation is a process that can occur without taking support from healthcare professionals or use of medications. Sudden quitting smoking can result in some side effects like gaining weight. What is smoking cessation can be better understood by having some information about different methods of smoking cessation. Here I have provided information about most common types of smoking cessation methods that are being used in common:

Cold Turkey is a commonly used method of smoking cessation that requires the person to stop smoking immediately without taking any additional nicotine. It means that a person addicted to smoking doesn’t gradually wean himself off of nicotine but shocks his body into withdrawal. Most common side effects reported by people who have experienced this method of smoking cessation include headaches, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, stomach pain and nausea. Majority of these symptoms happen due to reaction of dopamine reactions in brain and can last for several days until all nicotine from individual’s body is discharged. Once all nicotine is gone, a person can successfully overcome habit of smoking.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy is another very commonly used method of smoking cessation. This method is also known as simply NRT. This therapy works by delivering nicotine to the body through some different means other than cigarettes because cigarettes contain harmful chemicals that develop habit of addicting nicotine. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is preferred because it works better than method discussed earlier and helps a person in quitting smoking altogether. Some most commonly used options for NRT are lozegens, gum, nasal spray and inhalers. All these options are used as measured doses of nicotine that can gradually be reduced. Side effects or after symptoms of this method are not so severe.

Nicotine Patches are form of smoking cessation that is similar to nicotine replacement therapy. Each patch of nicotine has specific amount of nicotine. These patches can be bought with different amounts of nicotine so people willing to quit smoking can start from higher dose and move to lower dose patch until the smoker feels able to stop smoking.