Friday, 22 April 2011

Mental and Physical Parts in Smoking Cessation

Smoking is such an addiction that not only traps mind of a person addicted to smoking but also makes his other body parts habitual of nicotine addiction that is why it becomes too difficult for a person to give up this habit because when he gets mentally prepared for quitting, his physical addiction hinders his success and vice versa. To train both mental and physical parts of a person for quitting, special smoking cessation process is being followed. Today we will have some discussion about mental and physical parts in smoking cessation.
Tobacco in a cigarette is a most addictive substance that traps smokers physically and mentally. Both hands and mouth of a smoker are directly involved in smoking. Smoker uses his hand especially two fingers in smoking and continuous use of physical parts makes it a permanent habit that is why when a smoker sits idle, his hands and mind are tempted to smoke again and again.
Several physical parts of a smoker are directly affected by smoke and toxic chemicals in tobacco. In danger parts of smoker include lungs, oral, esophageal, renal and bladder and brain. Tobacco addiction causes serious health risks to these parts of smokers like cancer of lungs, lungs, oral, esophageal, renal and bladder. Nicotine in tobacco takes fewer seconds to reach brain and releases dopamine that causes feelings of pleasure. Just because of this dopamine, smokers claim that they feel them better concentrated towards their work after smoking. Similarly nicotine released from cigarettes causes a person to feel relaxed with every cigarette and a person goes on smoking and smoking.
So, you saw that a tiny cigarette contains thousands of chemicals that trap mind of a person and then cause severe health risks to smoker. If you really want to give up this unhealthy habit, you need to plan for eradicating both mental and physical addictions by planning a routine to make your physical parts habitual of other things and use a substitute of cigarette to given up its addiction. 

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