Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Stop Smoking Pills and Effectiveness

Smoking is adverse for smoker’s health and put smoker’s life into permanent danger. A smoker is exposed to several dangers every time. A smoker can save his life from these dangers by trying to lessen and finally quitting habit of smoking. It is a challenge for people who have been addicted to smoking for many years. A person with strong will power can prevent him from smoking habit but smoking is a thing that destroys men’s will power that is why smokers need assistance of different smoking cessation programs to quit smoking permanently. I have seen different people succeeded to quit smoking by using smoking cessation methods. Using stop smoking pills is one of the effective stop smoking methods. Here I would like to discuss how stop smoking spills can help a person quit smoking and how much these pills are effective.
Stop smoking pills are one of the new medications developed for helping people who want tot quit smoking. Everyday new stop smoking spills are emerging to help smokers quit. Are you curious to know about these pills and extent to which these are effective? I yes scroll down to read rest of this post.
Effectiveness of Stop Smoking Pills
There are many stop smoking pills available in market. While selecting one from variety of pills, a question that will instantly come into mind is which stop smoking pills are effective than all. Most commonly used stop smoking pills are Wellbutrin, Zyban and Varencline (Chantix).
Working of Stop Smoking Pills
Nicotine in cigarettes releases endorphins that stimulate the pituitary glands. These releases of cigarettes increase energy level and give the smoker a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Stop smoking pills also release endorphins making the quitting experience the same pleasure without creating any harmful side effects. No side effects, is the actual reason that stop smoking pills are becoming so popular.
Zyban is a pill that has ability to relive nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Most commonly practiced nicotine withdrawal symptoms include headache, body etches etc. Smokers need to take stop smoking pills on daily basis continuously for more than two weeks till they feel change in their urge to smoke. No more than two pills should be consumed each day. I recommend not to use stop smoking spills without consulting a doctor no matter how many success stories have your heard from people about effectiveness of any stop smoking pills. There are some side effects of stop smoking pills like dry mouth and insomnia.
Smokers Refrained from Consuming Stop Smoking Pills
Stop smoking pills are not useful for all people. There are some side effects of stop smoking pills that can be dangerous for people suffering from serious diseases. For instance pregnant or breast feeding women, smokers suffering from bulimia, smokers having epilepsy and smokers with aliments such as digestive and stomach disorders should not use stop smoking pills or they should take doses of these pills according to instructions of their healthcare consultants. Smokers with health problems should not disappoint that they can’t quit smoking but they should think to try some natural methods to stop smoking.

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