Monday, 28 March 2011

Stop Smoking Now

Smoking is not only adverse for health of person addicted to smoking but it also destroys health of people who are exposed to second hand smoke. An interesting fact I have seen in people addicted to smoking is that they feel smoking helps them in relaxing them from stress, anxiety, restlessness, loneliness and boredom and they feel their life as boredom and aggravation without cigarette. Some people also think that they will gain weight after they stop smoking. Some people smoke to celebrate special occasions.
People who smoke may feel comfort while smoking but in fact they expose their health to open threats for their health and life. I have never seen a person who smokes and lives healthier but lost of research programs show that more than 33,000,000 people addicted to smoking have given up their habit of smoking and are leading healthy lives. Well I would like to say that a non-smoker can never imagine benefits of quitting smoking but ex-smokers have lots of stories regarding benefits of quitting smoking. Although ex-smokers have gone through painful withdrawal of smoking but now they live healthier lives. Quitting smoking is not so easy but I want to share some tips to give up this habit. You will find these tips helpful enough in stop smoking now or helping your smoker friend to quit this habit:

  • First of all make your mind ready to quit smoking and set a quitting date. Highlight the date on your calendar and stick to it. Remember you will become an ex-smoker on this day.
  • Quitting this habit is not so easy so ask your friends and family members for your moral support. Ask them to keep an eye on you and stop you from sneaking out to buy cigarettes.
  • Smokers want to have cigarette in their free time so you are advised to plan to keep you busy all time. Look for some exercise to keep your mind and head busy.
  • Remove cigarettes from your pocket, home, office and car.
  • Make your mind that you are saving money by quitting this habit that will be used in beneficial activities. Collect money for purchasing what you have always wanted to.
  • Change your way because the shop from where you buy cigarette will create an urge in you to buy again and it will become difficult for you to overcome cravings.
Remember that no other person will quit for you and bear cravings. It is only you who can do something for you and your family but support of people around you can help you to stick to your quitting decision. Keep your desire and determination to become ex-smoker and move towards success with confidence. If you are trying to help your smoker friend, then follow these stop smoking tips to help your friend.

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