Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Smoking Cessation Pills

Smoking cessation is a complete process undertaken to uproot smoking desire in an addicted person. If a person tries to stop smoking without taking assistance from any healthcare professional or without following a proper smoking cessation plan, he will obviously find it difficult to get rid of this unhealthy habit. To go through smoking cessation plan different techniques are being used for instance smoking cessation laser therapy, smoking cessation hypnosis, smoking cessation acupuncture and smoking cessation pills. Each smoking cessation method works on different principle but with same motive to help a person in quitting smoking. Laser therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture are the methods that are used by specialists on addicts but smoking cessation pills are only suggested by doctors according to health conditions of a person then he himself keeps continuous use of smoking cessation pills without making frequent visits to doctors.

Why smoking cessation pills are used? These pills are used to relax smoking withdrawal symptoms. A person who skips cigarette from one to second time, it becomes difficult for him to stay away from smoking because of feelings of restlessness, depression, anxiety, nausea, dry throat, dizziness, fatigue, frustration, reduced concentration, weight gain, tightness in chest and cravings for more tobacco. Some people become impatient and again start smoking. To relieve these withdrawal symptoms, smoking cessation pills are being used. There are different pills that are used for this purpose.
Smoking cessation pills work on basis of special procedure to root out addiction for nicotine in cigarettes from mind and body of addicted person. These smoking cessation pills boost up energy level of two brain chemicals that are “Dopamine and Norepinephrine”. These pills perform same reaction as nicotine does to relax one’s mind. Basically these two chemicals work to boost energy in body and when a person develops habit of nicotine addiction, these chemicals in his mind become habitual of taking nicotine to refresh and become slow and cause the addicted person feel dizzy and other withdrawal symptoms if he skips smoking. When he takes smoking cessation pills, these chemicals gain their energy thus help a person feel fresh without cigarette.

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